Author Archive

Who’s in your contact list?

Spirit is saying we are fully connected at all times, yet know only separation as our reality; an interesting contradiction.  Let’s see how this turns out for us… Connection to Source is constant. You are a part of Source. There is no way you could not be connected to Source. There is no time, however […]

Past and future happen now or never?

3/15/15   I love Spirit’s explanation of our past and future.  I think you’ll love it too. Thinking of the future passes the present until the future has past into the present and our past was our future present.  Try saying that 3 times fast. All That Is exists in the moment of now. The […]

Just a quick review from the beginning of time…

 3/10/15   I absolutely LOVE this description of creation from Spirit.  It answers so many questions about our reality, how we create and were created.  This understanding is the bedrock of knowing how to manifest into your reality.  Follow this and you will have the keys to the kingdom…  or at the very least a […]

Creating Yourself… again! Its like magic.

3/4/15  Thinking you would like to be, do or have something not in your reality?  Ever want to be just a slightly better version of you in some small or big way?  Spirit shows us a good and easy way to accomplish this with a proven process.  See Who else uses this process in the […]

Don’t let reality get in the way of a good dream

2/25/15   We are all experiencing this right now… trying to manifest some big thing for a long time that has not come through for us.  Why is this taking FOREVER???  Ready to give up on this because you think it was not meant to be (as though your destiny is predetermined)?   Spirit explains […]

Now you can answer that age old question – What was he thinking?

2/19/15   That is an age old question.  What WAS he thinking?  The answer I used to come to was, obviously – He wasn’t (thinking).  All that is about to change as Spirit explains how the process works.  This is to help you understand how your thought process, your mind, sees and evaluates the beliefs […]

What is the right combination to unlock secrets to creating?

  2/14/15  Trying to unlock the secrets to creating?  Use this formula to create a gift for your favorite Valentine, yourself.  Happy Valentine’s Day!!!  This will help you develop your ability to define and refine your desires. Look at each desire as a mold of clay. As you work your clay into a shape that […]

Can you stop thinking of pink elephants long enough to focus on what you want?

2/9/15   Miss the mark in manifesting your desire more than once?  Join the crowd.  We thought we were focused and actively pursuing our goal, only to find out differently.  In fact, we sometimes create exactly what we work to avoid.   Spirit explains how easy it is to make that happen and how easy […]

How long can you hold your belief?

2/4/15  Holding your belief in the face of a contradicting physical reality is our greatest challenge in manifesting.  We usually know what we want, try to hold our belief that it is coming to us, but then have more thoughts of it not happening.   Oh that pesky reality getting in the way again of […]

Allowing is an art. …so be an artist.

1/31/15   The art of allowing is a conscious creative process that bring forth abundance.  The concept is simple, the practice easy, but we need to change our habits to make it last.  And we are constantly bombarded with that thing that is constantly in front of our noses.  You know, that thing that contradicts […]