Author Archive

The String Theory of thought to manifestation

10/7/14 In the beginning there was darkness… Well, really, didn’t it all start in thought?  Didn’t our Creator start everything in thought first?  …and His thought manifested.   We are created in His image, doing the same thing… creating first in thought.  Below, Spirit explains the process we take from thought to manifestation.  Pretty cool […]

“Do I feel lucky?”

9/27/14 “…you’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’  Well, do ya, punk?” That line from Dirty Harry is #51 of the top 100 movie quotes of all time.  It sets up Spirit’s explanation of the construction of luck, chance, probability, etc.  (This will be a real challenging concept to the Statistics majors.)  I […]

Spirit’s First Blog

Who has time to blog? “Who has time to write or read a blog?”, I always thought to myself. And yet, here I am writing a blog hoping for many readers. The law of opposites at work. Well, I still don’t have time to write that often but will commit to posting content frequently. If […]