5/31/15 Being or doing, which has greater power? Which makes you stronger? Spirit explains the laws of both physical and ethereal universes and lets you decide. Hmmm, what if I chose both grasshopper? You have been trained in the physical world to understand the laws of physics as they apply to your world. Energy […]
May 2015 archive
Affecting all that is while sitting at home
5/26/15 You are more powerful than you have ever imagined. Read below to understand what your level of power and authority parallels. Pretty cool stuff. Source, God, Divinity, All That Is, are all names used to describe the Intelligent Power that created everything seen and unseen. This Intelligent Power is pure Love. This Intelligent […]
The Golden Ticket – the paradox of getting what you want
5/15/15 Curious! We were given the Golden Ticket, as requested, to enter play land and entered the House of Mirrors only to scare ourselves and try to give the ticket back. Be careful what you ask for; you just might get it. See if that analogy makes sense after reading Spirit’s explanation… The ego is […]
Spirit’s First Blog
Who has time to blog? “Who has time to write or read a blog?”, I always thought to myself. And yet, here I am writing a blog hoping for many readers. The law of opposites at work. Well, I still don’t have time to write that often but will commit to posting content frequently. If […]
Step 1: decide the essence of Who You Are
12/27/15 Conscious creation of your designer life starts with a seemingly simple decision on the essence of Who You Are. The rest really is very easy after that. It is all about the choices we make. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if we were just told what to do? Conscious creation works beyond […]
Easy way to stay in the moment
12/1/15 Everyone talks about how important it is and all the benefits you get from staying in the moment, but no one tells us how to do it. If we innately knew how to do it, we would all be in the moment all the time. Spirit gives us an easy way to focus on […]
Changing lives of quiet desperation
10/22/15 We all experience moments of quiet desperation at some point or another; some of us more than others. There is another way. There are better ways to proceed. One in particular is a faster, proven method, that just coincidently happens to be fully explained right here in front of you. Is […]
Push the timeline for creating
10/1/15 Push the timeline for creating by stretching your belief of what is acceptable to you. Your acceptance of what is allowed is often the limiting factor to what you receive and how long it takes to get here. Take a new look at what you really believe and be prepared to be surprised […]
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