2/25/15 We are all experiencing this right now… trying to manifest some big thing for a long time that has not come through for us. Why is this taking FOREVER??? Ready to give up on this because you think it was not meant to be (as though your destiny is predetermined)?
Spirit explains below how this process works. Connect the dots on this manifesting journey to see how closely it parallels your experience. I’ll bet its right on the money. Of course they hold the answer to the very end. Don’t skip ahead.
This will help you work through your own issues of feeling helpless and unable to manifest what you want.
Your issues of feeling helpless are an emotional state based in fear. Feeling unable or incapable of manifesting what you want is an emotional state based in fear.
Neither belief is grounded in fact. The reality is that you have created exactly what you believe each and every moment. If you truly, deep down believe you are incapable of creating your desire; that is what you have created for yourself – the reality of not having your desire.
You are, in fact, creating as you believe. When you believe you are helpless or unable to manifest your desire, you are creating your reality out of a deeper belief. The deeper belief is steeped in fear. The fear is based on perceptions derived from past experiences. Your past experiences may not have resulted in an actual event that would be repeated as a basis of the fear. It merely needs to have been an experience that gave your mind the ability to use it to perceive a future possibility may occur. This future possibility is judged negatively and cited as what would happen following a certain chain of events.
Your mind also uses other people’s experiences to the same end. Your mind has also used combinations of yours and other people’s experiences and altered them enough over time to create the same result. You have been through this many times. It seems very real to you. You find it difficult to see which memories are real and which have been altered in even a small way.
Memories serve many purposes. In this Practice Point, We are concerned with the relationship memories have with your current thinking. You understand that memory is not perfect recollection. A better way of thinking about your memories is that they are a re-collection, almost like a remix.
This remix of your stored information is done by you, to serve you. Whatever your needs are, your mind will alter your memory just enough to comply.
Remember that you are creating every aspect of your life in every moment. There is not one part of your life that you do not have an active role in co-creating. Given that, you can understand how your memory is created by you, to serve you.
Knowing that your memory is created to serve your needs, you can now see more clearly, its affect on your current beliefs. Each of your beliefs is derived from your experiences. Your experiences are a compilation of actual firsthand knowledge, stories related to you by others and logic-derived conclusions, as well as fear-based thoughts of what could be.
They are all grouped within experiences that you draw from to derive your beliefs. Among these experiences could be situations where you sought after a desire and did not manifest it. Situations you created for yourself where you did not manifest your desire could be viewed by you as proof of your inability to manifest. You could focus on this to the point of seeing yourself as helpless.
This is fear-based thought focused inward at yourself. It is the Law of Attraction expanding what you place your thought energy into. The way you got into this belief is the same way out.
To change your belief pattern, focus your thought energy into that which you choose to attract and expand in your life. As you saw and then focused your attention on your lack of manifesting, which created that reality, you just as easily switch your attention and focus to creating and attracting what you desire.
Oooohh!!! Now I get it. Keep your eye on the prize, be steadfast and true to your desire. Don’t let reality get in the way of a good dream.
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All information excerpted from the book Spirit’s Course in Creating.
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